Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mood Music with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs

I've taken over the filing duties at work. Yep, that is exactly as thrilling as it sounds. However, it does allow me a little quality time with my iPod. It's a pretty huge task, and to keep me in a zone, I've been listening to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs latest, It's Blitz, which I'm only now discovering more than a year after it was released. The whole album is great, and while my favorite song is currently the slightly slower "Hysteric," the opening track, "Zero," does a great job of getting me pumped about putting files on shelves. Woo-hoo!

Karen O makes me want to buy hi-top sneakers and wear red lipstick everyday. Also, shopping cart shenanigans? Awesome.


  1. Awesome indeed. ^.^

    -Barb the French Bean

  2. Karen O is a goddess :) I love "Heads Will Roll" and "Runaway" from that album. Hmmm just popped in the cd! Thanks for reminding me I had ti.

  3. First time I've heard of them. And apparently, they are awesome.

    I am Fickle Cattle.
